Monday, September 22, 2008

Gwen Lu in Nordstrom Catalog, September 2008

Gwen Lu from Malaysia signed with Elite Agency last December and has since been struggling to gain traction on the fashion scene. Her first season at New York Fashion Week last Spring was unspectacular, to say the least. Then she managed to land a few minor ad campaigns with Target's Go International and Uniqlo, the Japanese clothing chain. This was followed by a few Macy's ads, which I don't think did her any favors (although that work probably helped pay a few months of rent.)

This month, she appears in Nordstrom's catalog in the beauty section and I have to say, this is her best photo yet. Her earlier work in Asia were much more spectacular than the ones she's done in the US. I hope this Nordstrom photo will translate to better quality photographers and editorials in the future.

Model: Gwen Lu
Catalog: Nordstrom, September 2008
Photographer: Unknown

Source: Nordstrom

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